Service & Maintenance

The Componentry

  1. Bricks

Fire bricks must be replaced regularly in order to maintain the functionality and efficiency of your woodfire. These specialized bricks are designed to withstand high temperatures and protect the surrounding materials from heat damage. Over time, however, they can become worn, cracked, or damaged due to the intense heat and constant use. It is important to regularly check the condition of your fire bricks and promptly replace any that show signs of deterioration. By doing so, you can ensure that your woodfire continues to operate safely and effectively, providing you with reliable warmth and comfort in your home for years to come.

2. Baffles

The baffle in your fire is an integral and crucial component that demands careful attention and maintenance. It plays a pivotal role in optimizing the efficiency and performance of your woodfire, ensuring that heat is distributed evenly throughout your living space. By properly caring for and regularly inspecting the baffle, you are taking an active step in prolonging the lifespan of your woodfire and guaranteeing its continued reliability and functionality. So, don't overlook the significance of this vital element and make sure to prioritise its upkeep.

3. Airbars

The airbar is important for a woodfire to work properly. It needs oxygen to burn the wood efficiently. But the airbar can wear out over time. To keep your woodfire working well, you should replace the airbar when needed. Checking it regularly and replacing it on time will help your woodfire burn better and use less fuel. It will also reduce harmful emissions. If you don't take care of the airbar, your woodfire might not work as well and could be dangerous. So, make sure to check and maintain the airbar regularly to make your woodfire last longer and work better for many years.

4. Door seals

To ensure optimum performance and efficiency of your fire, it is crucial to pay attention to the seals around the door and glass. These seals help prevent any unwanted leakage of air into the fire, which can lead to over-firing of the appliance. Over time, seals may wear out and lose their effectiveness, so it is important to replace them regularly. By maintaining tight seals, you can not only preserve the longevity of your fire but also maximize its heating capabilities and minimize energy wastage.


Fire Installations


Chimney Sweep